AIC C 011/2007 - Effective 20 Sep 2007


The purpose of this AIC, is to provide information on the procedures to be followed for the approval of Regulated Agents, who are involved in implementing security measures, relating to cargo, mail and other goods, as referred to, in Annex 17 ¨Security¨ of the Chicago Convention, in Document 30 of European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), in the European Parliament Regulation No 2320/2002 of 16 December 2002, with its amendments which ¨establishes common rules in the field of Civil Aviation Security¨ and in the National Regulation 459/2004 (National Security Programme).


Annex 17 of the Chicago Convention: Chapter 4.6 ¨Measures relating to cargo, mail and other goods¨ paragraph 4.6.3 stipulates that member states shall establish a process for the approval of Regulated Agents, who are involved in implementing security controls relating to mail, cargo and other goods.
ECAC Document 30 (part II) in particular chapter 6, refers to the requirements for the Application, Approval and the Designation of Regulated Agents and the Publication and Notification to be carried out by the appropriate authority.
EC Regulation No 2320/2002, sections 6 and 7 refer to security measures to be effected for the transport of mail, cargo and other goods, intended to be carried by passenger or all - cargo aircraft.
The National Regulation 459/2004 (National Security Programme) in articles 19 and 36 refer to security measures to be effected for the air transport of mail and cargo.


The Department of Civil Aviation of Cyprus has issued a set of principles and procedures named ¨Regulated Agents Regime¨ which is to be implemented in the Republic of Cyprus.
Interested parties may receive a copy of the said Document from the Department of Civil Aviation of Cyprus
27 Pindarou Street
Office No 527
Telephone number 22404134
Fax number 22766552