AIC C 004/2016 - Effective 19 Sep 2016


This AIC shall apply to operators interested to carry out specialized operations within the airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.


The purpose of this AIC is to establish the administrative procedure to be followed by:
  1. Operators interested to be authorized for a Specialized or High Risk Specialized Operation Certification.
  2. Certified Operators interested to be authorized for a Special Operations Approval to carry out a specific specialized operation activity within the airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.


3.1 Regulations
3.2 Guidance material


  1. “Specialised operation” means any operation other than commercial air transport (CAT) where the aircraft is used for specialised activities such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation and patrol, aerial advertisement etc.
  2. “High risk commercial specialised operation” means any commercial specialised aircraft operation carried out over an area where the safety of third parties on the ground is likely to be endangered in the event of an emergency or, as determined by the competent authority of the place where the operation is conducted, any commercial specialised aircraft operation that, due to its specific nature and the local environment in which it is conducted, poses a high risk, in particular to third parties on the ground.
For all other terms used in this AIC, the definitions of the above referenced regulations apply.


  1. Commission Regulation (EU) 965/2012 on Air Operations,

  2. This Regulation lays down, amongst others, the following
    1. Detailed rules on the conditions and procedures for the declaration by, and for the oversight of, operators engaged in commercial specialized operations and non commercial operation of complex motor–powered aircraft, including non-commercial specialized operations of complex motor-powered aircraft.
    2. Detailed rules on the conditions under which certain high risk commercial specialized operations shall be subject to authorization in the interest of safety and on the conditions for issuing, maintaining, amending, limiting, suspending or revoking the authorizations.
  3. Article 107 of the Cyprus Civil Aviation Law (213(I) /2002), states that flights for any specialized operation are not allowed, except with the approval of the Cyprus Civil Aviation Department and in accordance with the conditions and within the areas stipulated in that approval.


Operators under scope are required to act as follows:
  1. Operators who are interested to obtain a Certification for a Specialized Operation or for a High Risk Commercial Specialized Operation, should apply to the Director of the Civil Aviation Department for further information and guidance on the certification process.
    The Department shall issue such certification to those applicants who can demonstrate full compliance with all applicable requirements.
  2. Holders of a Specialized or High Risk Specialized Operation Certification who are interested to operate for a specific activity within the Cyprus FIR, should apply for the necessary Special Operations Approval, by submitting the application form (DCA/SPO/1) in Appendix 3, to the Director of the Civil Aviation Department at least ten (10) working days in advance of the operation.
    For aerial photography and videography flights, application form DCA/AF/3 should also be submitted.


In accordance with AMC1 SPO.GEN.005 -Scope of Annex VIII Part SPO of the Commission Regulation (EU) 965/2012 on air operations the following is a list of activities that can be considered as specialized operations.
  1. Specialized Operations include the following activities:
    1. helicopter external loads operations;
    2. helicopter survey operations;
    3. human external cargo operations;
    4. parachute operations and skydiving;
    5. agricultural flights;
    6. aerial photography flights;
    7. glider towing;
    8. aerial advertising flights;
    9. calibration flights;
    10. construction work flights, including stringing power line operations, clearing saw operations;
    11. oil spill work;
    12. avalanche mining operations;
    13. survey operations, including aerial mapping operations, pollution control activity;
    14. news media flights, television and movie flights;
    15. special events flights, including such as flying display, competition flights;
    16. aerobatic flights;
    17. animal herding and rescue flights and veterinary dropping flights;
    18. maritime funeral operations;
    19. scientific research flights (other than those under Annex II of Regulation 216/2008); and (20) cloud seeding.
  2. For other operations, the pilot-in-command can apply the criteria specified in AMC1 NCO.SPEC.100 to determine whether an activity falls within the scope of specialized operations.


In accordance with AMC1 SPO.GEN.005 Scope of Annex VIII Part SPO of the Commission Regulation(EU) 965/2012 on Air Operations, the following are the criteria to determine whether an activity falls within the scope of specialised operations:


Applications to be submitted at least ten working days in advance to:
Director Civil Aviation Department
Pindarou 27, Alpha Business Center
1429, Nicosia
Tel. No.: 22404122/22404136
Fax. No.: 22404189/22766547
Email address: director@dca.mcw.gov.cy